Monday, 11 November 2013

unborn life can talk

 An unborn child can communicate and respond to certain actions.
Gynaecologists know this best.
it is on record that about 44 million un borns are murdered annually.
most people who perform abortions have a guilty conscience. Emotional problems which arise from abortion cause serious problems including paranoia which affect such people.
The murder of un-born life is a moral crime and in some cases  even legally.
My advise is that people should live responsibly and plan their lives and if possible seek medical advise before marriage.
prevention is better than cure. avoid unwanted pregnancy by avoiding to engage in activities that would cause pregnancy.
The genocide committed by reckless "mothers" of this generation will not go un punished.
If you have murdered innocent children before, I advise you to repent before God the author of life and He will cleanse you of all perversion.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Only life can give birth to life.A rock can not do so except by the act of God

life produces life. a living thing reproduces life but how can a none living thing form life? many who are deficient of logic assume that the universe formed from some interaction of energy and matter and I usually ask them where that matter and energy came from and their mouths remain shut or they resort to insults.
the fact that you exist is proof that your maker exists. can a plane  make itself? but if you see an iphone it should be more than proof that some one made the iphone. you are God's work. none living things can't form living things. God, who is from everlasting to everlasting, gave us life because He is life. no fruit can come from a rock. life produces life.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

my diary on an atheist

 First, I must apologize to you because of the greedy hypocritical priests who have not shown the example of Christ! we all know that most clergy live a life contrary to Christ. I would not advise you to imitate such false priests. We have God's Word and History which we can analyze to understand how we ought to live for our maker. do not hate , blame or judge God by standards of men or their failures!
I like your statement that you like "freedom from religion" I should agree with you to some extent. Freedom from traditions of men which are imposed on man to try and please God through rituals and human effort. I am free from such false religions. God is most interested in human motives and intentions and human character and heart. The outward issues are secondary. However, freedom from religion should not be used as an excuse to serve evil objectives otherwise it would mean freedom from good and bondage to evil so there is no real freedom. If you mean it when you talk of freedom, then I will agree that freedom should be limited by your ability to use it for the good. freedom used wickedly is actual bondage to satan.
On the other hand, you said that you need "freedom from guilt" Now this is a genuine human need which you expressed and I congratulate you! I can see that there is a battle in the inside of you to be free from guilt! I can assure you that TRUE FREEDOM FROM GUILT COMES FROM FORGIVENESS. since you realize that guilt exists, then its a confirmation that the need for forgiveness is real. The only question we have is WHO SHOULD FORGIVE US TO FREE US FROM GUILT? the person wronged. Both people and God can be wronged and therefore they have the power to forgive as long as you / me is willing to stop wronging/sinning.
I do not indoctrinate and that's why am open to reason. Even Jesus was open to reason that's why when asked whether we should pay taxes or not He said give ceaser what belongs to him and God what belongs to God. It was a reasoning process. Your ability to perceive things is what causes faith in God. some people indoctrinate but TRUE Christianity is open to reason. tell me, is it fair to kill?? am sure your answer will agree with the Word! is it okay to sodomize or abort? certainly you will realize that doing the right thing amidst contention is the best side of reason!
what you can imaginary reward is real because we are real. The one who gave us life has promised abundant life! what makes you think that some one who gave you a house free of charge and promised to furnish it, why would you doubt that a man who can give you a totally free house can fail to furnish it?
Fear of hell is not reason enough for you to repent. If I can help scare you from falling into a ditch why not? if I tell you that such a ditch has snakes and scorpions and yet its true. The truth is that hell is not a place you would like to live.
A human soul is real yet can not be empirically proven! if you tell me that you have no soul then may I will know the cause of the problem. you do not need to fear hell if you do not have the ticket to such a destination.  The fact that you fear hell shows that the guilt above testifies of such consequences.
Knowing the truth is a complex issue especially carnally. Truth testifies of Truth. Truth should first exist inside you before you can explore further truth. if inside you is falsehoods, then it will be hard to detect truth! First consider what you are made of! if lies exist inside of you then there is no way truth can be found in or around you.
you should learn the difference between evidence and truth. The two are not the same. many people are in jail because of evidence while the truth is that they are innocent. Evidence can be false but TRUTH can never be False!
About tithes and church offerings, I will assure you that it is a personal choice, no one should coerce you to pay. paying these does not mean holiness or forgiveness of sins. God is not desperate for the offerings! you may, you may not give if your conscience is not clear please do not give. there are many false teachers out there who rob people in the pretext of offerings etc but they do so because people do not read the Word! They con you because you lack discernment and the Word.
The love to do as you please is good but we MUST be accountable to our maker. Any machine should be used according to the manual. if you use your car without following the manual, you risk not only crashing but also spoiling the car. The author of life gave us a life manual! God's Word is our manual for safe living. No one wishes to impose on you but even if its costly, everyone who owns a car knows that they have to service their car after a pre-specified mileage! why do you think you wish to live outside God's Law? did you create yourself? since you had no input in your own creation, its wise enough to live by the maker's LAW. its not hard and its for our own benefit! just like the car example! You do not have to service the car but it will be at your own cost, not to take a manufacturer's advise.
Being human does not mean living recklessly. the laziness to overcome sin can not be excused as being "human" sinning is actually being satanic. a human in God's image should overcome sin.
You wish that you live in isolation! no o ne watching you! how funny!  all humans were made to love and be loved. Isolation is a grave punishment to a human soul. so since you love to interact then there must be rules of engagement. If we interact yet live and behave in isolation then we shall hurt one another in the process. We must live to please our neighbor by our actions. Killing innocent children, sodomizing, lying, insulting, unbelief etc have effects on our neighbors. if you wish to live without anybody watching you then isolate yourself from others. am sure its hard humanly to exist in isolation. if we interact then we must accept to live responsibly and respect the Law of God and man. We must please God and man, we must love our neighbor and love God as well. This is the real meaning of Truth

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

atheists agrees that WE DID NOT EVOLVE!

The comment contradicts what atheists believe! We can see the ape evolving here!

Friday, 30 August 2013

What you must know before you die

All humans have souls, and spirits however, human science has only and  been able to study & analyze the human body in a few millennia! It is time for human science to start exploring the human spirit and soul. This  should spontaneously take much millennia.
one little aspect of nature known as "death" is the starting point in this great human abstract. If man could study what happens after death, then it would be easier to find most answers about the existence of the universe.
I wonder why little research has been invested in the subject of death which awaits majority! many people waste quality research time on how to prolong the temporary human life and pay less attention to human eternity which , I suppose, would be of the most benefit  to humanity.
Death is a window into a more real Reality than you can ever imagine. Many have been surprised. do not be fooled by the false theory that man vanishes at death! It is impossible to varnish at death because the human spirit does not survive on physical food or input. The human body which depends on physical inputs like food, oxygen etc would die once it is deprived of its inputs but the human spirit endures forever. Inside a human spirit exists the soul of a man where love, lust bitterness, emotions, ideas etc exist. No one can see these because they are hidden in a human soul which lives for ever. Death is the separation of the human spirit from the human body caused by different reasons. This should be the meaning of clinical death.
Anger, love, bitterness, etc are real yet they can not be empirically quantified. There are many real things which can not be empirically proven because human technology is very limited.
You are more Real than you think and do not be fooled that your life ends at death! It only starts

Thursday, 15 August 2013

it is better to appear stupid before a foolish man than to appear wise in the eyes of the fools.

It is better to appear stupid before a foolish man than
 to appear wise in the eyes of the fools.
it is not safe to inflate and hope to portray a good image in
your own eyes. Its worse than blowing your own trumpet, a sign of pride.
have you ever wondered what people think of you? Yes
people will always be concerned about your life
Your image and identity is very important in society but before
you choose what your social image should be, you must determine
the kind of audience that you seek to please.
God should be top on the list of those to please.
some people may call you crazy but what matters is what God thinks of you.
then we can please our neighbors here on earth. By pleasing God, it will be
very easy to please fellow humans.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

which sin is the worst sin?

I personally think that a "priest" who practices pedophilia is most foolish than an atheist.
The bible boldly teaches against sexual immorality whether: pedophilia, sodomy, lesbianism, adultery, fornication, masturbation etc all sexual sin curries the same penalty. 

so if you practice sodomy and do not practice pedophilia, then you are guilty of pedophilia since in a nut shell its all sexual immorality! if, on  the other hand you fornicate, you are no different from a sodomite because it is all sexual perversion. if you masturbate, you are equal to an adulterer because you are both sexually immoral. 

If you are involved in sexual sin of any kind, please repent because the days are running out.

Friday, 9 August 2013


The 10 atheist questions answered:
1why God "doesn't" heal amputees
ye of little faith! He can Heal any thing! even In Jesus' time, many remained unhealed b'se Jesus mainly seeks to heal the soul of man. Physical healing is useless if you are hell bent.
Healing is to show God's power to the doubtful like you.
2why is there so much starvation on earth?
The starving people are due to human activity and greed. If fuel runs out of your car only a fool would blame the manufacturer-God? pollution, laziness, greed, sin, selfishness etc 
3why does God demand the death of the wicked in the bible?
God has not changed from that view yet! He only created room for repentance but those who sin and die in sin will surely be punished forever in hell fire/lake of fire.
Even today all wicked people will perish In hell, God has never changed from death to sinners policy,
4 why does the bible contain scientifically unreal things?
Miracles are so because they oppose science.
5why does God allow slavery?
First, You are a slave to sin yourself. First free yourself from willful and voluntary  slavery, then we can talk about why God "allowed" slavery in the bible.
6 why do bad things happen to good people?
what is bad for you may be good for you! and what is good for you may be bad for you
before I answer this one: Please tell me, how do you know what is good or bad? the power to distinguish between good and bad-do you have it? what do you call bad / good?
7why is it that there is no historical physical evidence of Jesus' miracles?
Because He still does the miracles even to this day. He was not worried that the power would run out. besides,God does not need cheap popularity to publish everything He does.
8why don't Christians pray and see Jesus Physically?
many saw Him and yet refused to believe! Thomas had to touch the scars of the nails in His hands. worse Thomas' are alive today and many are atheist. You will not believe testimonies of the Many who Have seen Jesus! otherwise you would believe the gospel.
9why did Jesus ask us to eat His flesh and blood?
Because Jesus is THE WORD OF GOD AND HIS BLOOD WASHES away the sins of the earth. By reading HIs Word, you are EATING the FLESH OF JESUS.  Holy communion is what shows the whole symbolic act of Unity with God.
Eat the Word(Jesus' Flesh)
10 why are many Christians divorcing?
The last person whom God chose for a marriage partner was Adam and Eve. the rest of us find on our own. No one should blame God for choosing wrongly. Adam and Eve never divorced or separated.
attending church does not make you a Christian. Am sure you have been to church a few times and many have thought you were a Christian and today they blaspheme God because of you.
going to church does not make u a Christian. Those who divorce have a soul problem and God is not the one who asked them to divorce.

Monday, 5 August 2013

The Truth detector

Knowing the truth is a complex issue especially IF YOU ARE carnal. Every one is searching for the truth but few are willing to accept the truth because Truth is some times as bitter as medicine but it heals.
Truth testifies of Truth.
 Truth should first exist inside you before you can explore further truth. if inside you there is falsehoods, then it will be hard to detect truth! First consider what you are made of! if lies exist inside of you then there is no way truth can be found in or around you.
you should learn the difference between evidence and truth. The two are not the same. many people are in jail because of evidence while the truth is that they are innocent. Evidence can be false but TRUTH can never be False!
You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free, Jesus is the way the truth and the life.
are you looking for truth! find Jesus and you will have all truth.
Amen and God bless you big.

Friday, 26 July 2013

Theism is closer to science that atheism.

There is no relationship between atheism and science but a lot shows that there is a great link between atheism and Satanism.

similarities and differences between atheism and Satanism

The similarities
The differences are:
  • they share wicked principles like murder, cannibalism etc
  • They both hate God
  • Both lie and believe lies
  • both agree and are proud and arrogant
  • Both are perverts
  • both hate God's Word
  • Both attempt to destroy the earth
  • Both are clandestine in operations
  • both enjoy and practice delinquency and lack of being accountable
  • both do not submit to authority
  • both do not acknowledge their own creator
  • both have fallen
Atheists can repent while satan can not
Atheists have hope while satan does not have hope
atheists CAN CHANGE

  • On the other Hand Theism explores THE  SCIENCE OF CREATION
  • Theism agrees to the law of floatation but teaches that it can be broken by faith if you walk on water in faith.
  • Theism believes in healing-medicine etc
  • Theism believes in agriculture- see the vine and the branches in the bible
  • Theism believes in grafting technology-see the book of Romans
  • Theism believes that gravity existed: ascension day is special, avionics and space technology was practiced long before man discovered it! Jesus physically went up towards the sky and clouds covered Him! so space technology is not new in the Word.
  • Talk about weather forecast technologies: Elijah earnestly prayed and it did not rain for 3.5yrs and when he prayed, he forecast that it would rain in a few minutes!

Friday, 31 May 2013

No direct relationship between atheism and science

Atheists struggle so much to describe themselves as scientists yet they are mere servants of satan.
A manifestation of unbelief, atheism is a cowardly thing, the atheists try to clean their corporate image by thinking they are scientists! There is no relationship whatsoever between some one's faith and their human capability. That arrogance must stop.

To become a scientist, one has to study and do a lot of research and therefore all humans have the privileged to become scientists. however on the other hand, atheism is a demonic influence in people's lives, its a sort of predicament caused by a desire to have wicked liberty outside the laws of God, to sin. Atheists should not fool the public.

I see many masquerading  and questionable "scientists" who are staunch atheists yet their scientific accomplishments are no where to be found as if atheism is the only "scientific thing" in their view, their only achievement and accomplishment in decades. Scientific failures usually hide in atheism communities to cover their failure.
I know a retired man whose only "scientific" achievement is atheism! what a shame!  ask those false scientists to show you any serious scientific discovery they ever made apart from atheism! SHAME on them.
A fool says in his heart that "there is no God" but true scientists are not fools. only the false scientists can be.
You can start a new life today by accepting Jesus Christ into your life and you stop living a life of doubt and unbelief! Jesus is the way the truth and the life. No one can go to heaven except if one is born again.

Friday, 24 May 2013

Time constrained human brains can burst

There is no way your time limited human mind can perceive infinite parameters. Only God can reveal them to you. That is why He asked us to have faith and trust in Him otherwise a human brain would burst trying to compute infinite parameters. Computers have failed so, Faith is the only possible remedy to time constrained human brains.

Who created the father of your father's father X infinity? and the who created the first human being/ who created the first life? who created the matter that interacted to make the big bang if at all it exists?  God is infinite and has all the TRUTH we need. I challenge you to seek God if you really need to get to the bottom of the truth! We all have questions but only God will one day answer them all. Just trust Him.

What you must know BEFORE YOU KILL

Abortion is premeditated Controlled murder.

Before you decide to get pregnant visit a doctor for proper medical check up. If you get pregnant  without advise from a medical Doctor and develop complications, then you do not put the blame on the unborn child! The baby is innocent, while you are responsible for your own decisions. My advise to the doctors is that this should be taken into account.

Prevention is better than cure. so before damage is done, do your best to avoid it before hand.

People should reproduce with caution. Teen sex, adultery, fornication are the root causes of abortion. look up the statistics. There can be laws that permit people to get pregnant such that all be examined by medical doctors then certified to give birth!

those with ears hear this "all cars in dangerous mechanical condition should not be allowed on the streets".  Women can first be checked before they attempt to get pregnant. Prevention is better than cure.

"unwanted" pregnancies can be avoided by avoiding behaviours which cause pregnancy!

Wise people are not driven by desire but by purpose. God has a good plan for your life. Do not waste your life! all decisions have consequences. Ensure to make the right decisions in life. Do not kill, for abortion is murder.  A "good" person who supports abortion is not different from a murderer because they share a mindset, only lacking the opportunity to do evil.

If you have killed an innocent child before, am not here  to condemn you but the truth shll set you free. Repent today and God will surely forgive you. If you are planning to abort, this is here to challenge you to make the right decision to respect Human life.

if any of us the living had been aborted, we would not be here! we thank God for life and let us give others the chance to live.
Start a new life today. Jesus is the way the truth and the life, no man goes to the Father except through Christ.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Genuine laughter

In this busy fast world, people laugh less and less because of pressures from all corners of life. Even the celebrities and world champions by standards of this world laugh less despite great achievements simply because a human soul was designed to be satisfied not only with food but also with joy, peace, love, happiness, kindness!

laughter is an outward sign of gladness of the heart. It is possible to laugh without JOY, peace and happiness and it is best described as an empty heinous laughter.

Many people are desperate to find Joy, Peace and Happiness. Atheists and perverse people will laugh at all sorts of trivial things in hope that by laughing they will find these human needs: LOVE, JOY, PEACE, KINDNESS, HAPPINESS.
heinous laughter is hollow, it is from the mind but a hearty laughter is from the heart! inside the soul of a man there is happiness which can only be discovered if one is in Christ, because the veil is taken away from the soul face. Heinous laughter is a desperate effort by empty hungry souls just to try and squeeze joy from a rock dry soul.

Ps 51:12
12    Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

True Joy and happiness are ONLY in Salvation through Jesus Christ. are you feeling empty! yes the medicine is Jesus. when you look up to God, then you will experience TRUE Joy (happiness)


The many wars prove that there is something worth fighting for but unfortunately atheism is too blind to see it. Look at all the other none religious wars they are about diamond, gold, land and oil! great resources!
 Learn this: where ever there is a vulture there is a carcass. learn this. Try and figure out what they fight for! There is a battle for souls. satan is out there with evil propaganda sending people to hell, while God has offered free eternal life! it is a matter of choice where you will be after this temporary mortal life on earth. 
On the other hand, The  biggest battle that human life has ever seen is the battle of the mind! The battle to make the right decision that will ensure the best eternity we can ever have! The biggest decision one can ever make is the eternal destiny decision.
The true living God does not need any one to fight for Him for He can defend Himself. Idols can not fight for themselves because they are non living things.
WAR IS AN INDICATOR OF A GREAT RESOURCE WORTH FIGHTING FOR. Atheism is too blind to figure that out because as usaul it is blind to real reality that's why it asks for PHYSICAL empirical evidence as if only the physical exists. There are many invisible resources that beings fight for.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

The sure accurate prediction of what happens when death occurs.

  How terrible will it be for the skeptics who did not have faith in God and woke up after death and realized that GOD EXISTS! How terrible and shameful! the lake of fire? do not go there and besides If you had faith in God and did not resurrect to physically see His existence what would you lose or gain? which is the most bearable SURPRISE you wish for?

We all agree that Life is real, death is real but some how some of us do not agree that there is life after death! The problem is that death is a one way traffic lane, no one returns and if they did, no one is to believe them due to lack of evidence.

Consider a dry cereal like a bean seed or any other seed. It can stay for ages in a dormant state but once it is planted into fertile soil, then it will germinate into a big plant! Do not look at a dead body and underestimate the potential of a human spirit.
seeds suggest that there is life after death!

Do not bet with your life! Do not gamble your life away!

 you can bet with money not life because no one created themselves.

My advise is that we should PREPARE.
If a rumor goes round the school that there will be an abrupt sudden exam assessment during the course of the term and you do not revise your notes, what will happen if the examiner shows up Unexpectedly?

 If it is announced over radio and TV that there is an outbreak of an epidemic and you do not take precaution what will you do if you wait for physical evidence and proof? If You are warned of a coming hurricane or tsunami or seismic earthquake whose magnitude can not be readily established who would you blame if you were swept? 

You will tell me that these can be proven but I will tell you that they could not have been accurately predicted otherwise people would have been advised prior to settling in such areas.  
Just like everyone predicts and knows that death is real, No one can predict what happens after death except FAITH.
The sure accurate prediction of what happens when death occurs is by having FAITH in Jesus the Christ.
the rest are lies of satan trying to confuse you. do not listen to evil. evolution, atheism, skepticism, unbelief, religious hypocrisy, etc are lies. 
Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. No one can enter heaven except through Him. 
here is a true saying:
John 8:51
51    Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.


Sunday, 21 April 2013

A cook who refused to taste the food he cooked but served it to others!

It should not be acceptable for some one to advocate or defend something they are ashamed of. A marketeer who is ashamed of his product should be the worst hypocrite that ever existed. If you market a product so vigorously and persuasively yet you can not taste it then the product contains poison.
a lecturer who lectures a subject he never leaned is the worst of hypocrites.

A cook who refuses to taste the food they have cooked should be treated with suspicion and expelled. Why would you cook food you can not taste if there is no hidden agenda?
You can not drive a car from the outside! if a driver tells you that he will be driving by remote, then better disembark from the bus before you die.
A man speaks so vehemently in support of sodomy but himself can not taste means he is a hypocrite.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Jihad is a form of terrorism

Islam should be banned if there shall be peace on earth! The terrorists only do what the quran says! They think that they will be given 70 virgin women for sex! why would any one kill for a lie?

it is written:
John 16:2
2    They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God.

Boston take heart! Those little terrorists only converted to Islam a few months back. This is a wake up call to the west to stop embracing Islam. It has been reported that the fastest growing religion in the west is Islam! how terrible!
There is no difference between Islam and terrorism.

Monday, 15 April 2013

The Ostrich is betther than all atheists combined

Ostrich mentality is the peak of folly and mental disorientation.

Atheists are worse than all ostriches,why! at least ostriches first see the fire before they bury their heads in the sand but atheists do not even take time to sense the presence of fire.
Atheists think there is no fire yet its there in hell.
The Ostrich only buries the head when it senses danger but atheists lack the capacity to sense danger till they are consumed. Atheists do not bury the head but they bury their minds, thoughts, reasoning and consciousness. Their heads may remain on the surface but the capacity to think is buried.
The Ostrich has many lessons for atheists.

I know that I sound harsh to these atheists but they have blasphemed for too long, some body got to put sense into their heads lest all perish as we be nice to them.

I do not intend to insult them or shame them but  to try and help them think better about their path of choice. I did not write the bible but it says that: A fool says in his heart that there is no God"  I like this verse because it clearly challenges atheists to wake up from the slumber of death.

may God have mercy on atheists. Atheism is a new platform for evil and I say this in order to destroy the wicked foundnations of satan hidden in atheism.
God is real. God loves all atheists to Repent and be saved. Amen.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

The spiritual mirror

The human body is a box for the human soul and spirit. many people boast so much of the packaging but they forget the contents of the package. The real you is inside of your flesh.
do not inflate yourself beyond who you are.

Some people take so much trouble to make the box comfrotable, attractive, pleasant but they ignore what is inside.
The human body contains a very expensive and fragile human soul which is hungry for life but the desires of the flesh chock the purpose of God in many boxes.

do not let your box fool you! can a car move without an engine? No! many people boast of nice appearance of the car body yet they do not take the trouble to establish the condition of the car engine.

some cars have big boots, others are tall while others have nice features but the most important thing you should look at as you buy a car should be its engine condition and capabilities.

many people spend hours in mirrors to consider their physical  condition but pay less attention to reading the word and self examination/ reflection. This explains why wickedness is on the loose today.

read the Word of God for it is a spiritual miror 

many people take alot of time in washing their cars and making them look nice but they ignore engine service and in a short while the engine will knock and get spoilt!

Both the body and the engine are important but close attention should be paid to the engine, regular service etc.

You should regularly go to church services in order to have a healthy spirit. Pray as much as possible so that you keep in touch with the greatest manufacturer of life!

Do not let your body fool you! God loves you and He will soon come for His Church! may we all say-come. Amen.

Can a myth answer? only fools doubt the reality of reality

I have noticed that there are some people who  think that if you do not see the person you chat with on G+ or facebook or phone text then the person on the other side does not exist! how foolish!

 the fact that you do not see each other does not mean the other person you chat with does not exist.
There are many ways or mediums of communication. each has its pros and cons.

Prayer is a communication method with God. when you pray you will get feed back in form of answered prayer! the results are evidence of God. God has chosen to speak to us through: - His servants, prophecy, His Word, Visions, Dreams, Verbally etc. No one can dictate how God should communicate to us!

 when I read what you write, I know that you are a living real person! I know that it is possible to chat and communicate  with intelligent computers but they are made by some one.

the fact that we do not see God does not mean He does not exist. God is real. a fool thinks there is no God. If you think there is no God then you have decided who you are! it is a matter of choice.

God is real and evidence is in what He has done. if you doubt the reality of reality then you are but a fool!

The Pre-doomsday cult of this age: ATHEISM

Atheism is a clandestine dis-organized religion. It pretends to be what it is not just like a "trojan virus", it has no leader no system no structure but it has a hidden evil agenda. Atheism has objectives and a strategy. disorganization is part of its evil agenda to remain undetected to innocent unsuspecting humans. atheism is an easy alternative "faith" for wicked men since most theist religions do not accept certain evil practices.




Atheism  teaches the belief that "there is no God" this is its core doctrine. This is a contempt of God strategy. The fact that satan knows that God is Almighty, he decided to assume God does not exist! how crafty! It is as funny as telling yourself that you do not exist! if we exist, then our Creator does. This contempt theory is a core doctrine of atheism. 


Atheism is a new reverse religion, it is simply the counter religion of today.  It is a religion of unbelievers. a congregation of the faithless pagans, un-straight humans, crooked. They should soon elect the "pope of atheism" Atheism is the religion of opposite religion. Scientology is their greatest dare.


Atheism is abnormal in all methods of belief since it is unconventional but radical and extremist in nature. The most abnormal thing about atheism is that it is a safe haven for all abnormal evil human vices like abortion, sodomy etc.

atheism has bizarre beliefs like evolution. This is the main scapegoat of atheism. without the evolution theory there is no atheism. They believe and teach that humans evolved from apes! how bizarre can bizarre get? This is a cultist belief.

atheism allows rituals like sodomy, pedophilia, cannibalism, etc like all cults, atheism accepts wicked orgies, illusions, magic, astrology, meditation, yoga, transcendental meditation, palm reading, white and black magic, witchcraft etc. They do not believe in deity but they practice certain beliefs variably. 

atheists believe in fellow humans as their saviors. They believe that human power can solve all man's problems. They trust only  in science which is human ability. most will tell you about humanism.

atheism is unorthodox in nature and structure. Most atheist beliefs are neither "right", "true", or "straight. most atheists are not straight especially in sexuality. their "doxa" are false.

atheism deserves to be discriminated all over. all sane humans should abhor such hypocrites.

atheism is a pre-doomsday like cult because they talk of a dooms day which happened long ago in form of a big bang theory. they claim that the dooms day already came as a big bang. They teach that life came from a dooms day! they claim that a dooms like day formed life. big bang is a dooms day like  concept in all aspects of upright thinking except that the timing differs from modern doomsday cults. most cults talk of a future doomsday but atheism talks of a historical dooms like day which occurred. Big bang is a reverse of dooms day but they both teach fireballs, heat,interaction of matter etc.

atheism seems to suggest that it was doomsday for the matter which existed when it interacted to form life. evolution is a process which started with a doomsday like action. Atheism is a reverse cult which looks and hopes into the past rather than the future. Their hope is in the past but not in the present/ future.

atheism like all cults  is so destructive: abortion, cloning, destruction of the environment, secret depopulation activities  etc

atheists are so hostile to theists. They insult all theists all the time, they blaspheme. most a so vulgar in speech!

atheism is as controversial as any cult on earth.

This simply proves that atheism IS A PRE- DOOMS DAY CULT

Sunday, 10 March 2013

We are an open letter from God to this earth

We are not our own, we belong to God. He has made our hearts open letters for the world to read and understand Him better. God expects us to be ambassadors of Heaven in our Christian walk. Let men read us and glorify our Father in heaven.

2 Corinthians  3:3
3    You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

 A lamp should not be hidden under the bed but put on a lamp stand for all to see the light. Let us shine! some claim to be letters from God only in words but in print they say the opposite. If you read their lives, some things contradict God's Word. Our letters should agree with God's Word.

We must let others read our lives and glorify God. When an opportunity to do good shows up, do it by instinct.
Do not hide the fact  that you are God's servant all the time every where: at work, school, on the bus, at home, at church, in our thoughts, in speech, in action etc let God be glorified.

we are all letters, some from God while others from else where.

some people are only saved during the day and at night they are heathen. some people leave God at home as they go to work. We should be Christians all the time every where

You are God's letter.

Friday, 8 March 2013

many people only seek God when in trouble

many people pray or seek God when they fall in trouble! but after He has blessed them they forget where they cam from and feel so important! Humans forget so quickly! Lord help us!
many people followed Jesus just for the Bread and miracles He did among them but they had not discovered the secret in becoming born again.
do not follow God because of what He has! we are joint heirs with Christ! all is ours! do not only look for mere bread but seek Him you will find all you need.

Who of you would love a wife/husband who only loves the money and property but not the person?

Some people even fail to testify and they think that after all they are special! some people forget that it is God who gives us the power to make wealth! so they boast of PhD s, great business acumen,  their own goodness but they forget God who is the Silent provider.
some have excelled in academia and still fail or forget to thank God! Many humans walk with their heads lifted high feeling so important as if they created themselves. I say many who boast and pride in vanity!
Man really loves to feel good/sweet. this is pride/ some call it swagg but it is pride.
Many times we have no power over some of the great blessings and events in our own lives but we many times fail to acknowledge the power of God. God makes the sun to shine on both the wicked and the righteous, He make it to rain on the wicked and righteous.

We should give all Glory to God because NONE of us attended the meeting where it was decided that we exist. Give all glory to God. Even when you do something in your might, still it is God who gives us the human might.
do not seek God only when in trouble but seek Him because you truely love Him with all your heart and might, not just lip-service.

satan insulted humans in this way:

The father of lies once was angry with humans for not following his lies and he shouted "you apes" and those near him to his shock went every where announcing how  they are apes! the father of lies was so amused that he let them replicate the insult.
We are not apes! sorry if you wish to become one, go to Bwindi forest you will learn that you can not live there and you or your ancestors have never been there. why stick on theory that insults all humanity ! satan laughs heinously when he hears ignorant humans refer to themselves as apes. imagine if you insult some one and that person ignorantly boasts of the insult! This is total folly. Let no upright thinking human not fall for such a lie.
We were created in God's image and God certainly is marvelous, beautiful, and worthy of all honor, and exaltation. God's image can not be so insulted and we keep quiet. We are his perfect image that is why we have dominion over all the earth, just like He has dominion on all that exists in the universe and beyond.
Let us all denounce the lies and insults of satan. let evil words dry on his own lips. let all lies be busted and exposed to the Glory of our Great God and His Son Jesus Christ Amen.

Worshipping NOTHING! are you okay!

This is for all the atheists:
Atheists believe in "NOTHING"! They have faith in "NOTHING", they serve "NOTHING" they pray to "NOTHING"  If they ask you, what the name of your God, you answer "NOTHING" if they ask where does he stay, you answer NONEXISTENT is his address.
 I ask all atheists: how can you be  so naive to worship "NOTHING"?
Do you know that "NOTHING" is an idol? you are true idolators! God forbid.
even the birds in the morning sing praises to God! sheep bleat to God's Glory. the seas roar in honor of God but you! People with brains, how can you worship "NOTHING"? that "NOTHING" of yours whom you worship will give you nothing of course and nothing will destroy you someday that nothing is satan. if you do not chose God, automatically you belong to satan
Humans were created to Worship God but some evil powers have hijacked many disciples in the umbrella of atheism. They should be informed early before it is too late. God loves all atheist and He desires to cleanse all atheists of atheism perversion. Amen

what darwin failed to do

Darwin should have first discovered a medicine that avoids death so that he remained around to find human origin clearly by researching more on  who created the forces which triggered the big bang.

This false man only came up with false theories. some of his theories may seem logical but the foundation is false.

If you are sick  and starving and soon dying and you are left with just enough money to either buy food, medicine or other pleasures  of your choice like clothes, houses, cars etc.
what would you buy first! what would be your priority?

a fool will buy clothes/house/car then starve and die of sickness and no one will be here to put on the clothes or drive the cars/ live in the house.

This man Darwin made the wrong decision in life that is why he passed on without ever discovering anything useful for ours and his own future.

Today we have been blessed with the great privilege to once again know that God created man and the universe!! These false men sought the truth from the wrong places. We should not be fooled.
0+0=0 nothing can not create anything. The so called matter which interacted to form the big bang, if it is true, these forces were created by God.

If you want the truth learn this: Our origin=Universe-Evolution theory.
take the example:  Evolution + the un known cause= human life and universe.
 simple equation:
the un known cause=human life and universe.-Evolution

we know evolution, we know ourselves but some still do not know who created the universe/God
here is the formula
un known cause=human life and universe.-Evolution
 for any questions refer to the bible you will discover that God created man in His Image.
be blessed.

some people think they are apes!!! why should we allow satan to insult us and our God that we look like this or that we came from such. Can a mango tree bear fruits of sugarcane? can a cow birth  a chicken, can a pig give birth to a lamb? can a lioness give birth to a butterfly?   really think about it! Logic is really rare these days.

Salvation is a process

Over the years in ministry,  I have learned some thing strange! I learned that salvation is a process and many Christians are at different levels or stages in the salvation process. some times we wish to move at a certain pace but we forget that we are growing at varying levels. There are Christians who are steadfast while there are those who are sluggish. May God help us to imitate Christ in our walk. Jesus asked, "when the Son of man comes back, will He find faith on earth?" will He find you at the level you ought to be? some of us have spent decades in Christianity but are still learning the elementary things of the gospel. It is time Christians woke up to diligence in the things of God so that the body can grow. Imagine if the hair of a baby became grey while it is still breast feeding! Imagine if you find a baby girl with mature breasts! imagine if you met a big man of 18yrs breast feeding! it would be a strange sight! but in Christianity, we have all sorts of uneven growth! you find a new convert trying to become a pastor desperately to make quick money, you will find a Christian who last testified or fasted 10years ago. You will find a christian who has spent decades in Christianity but he/she can not even say a prayer to God!
There are strange men who benefit so much from mature babies. there are Christians who prey on dwarf christians because the dwarfs are stunted, spiritually. They are robbed by paying for prayer. A Christian of 1yr in Christ should be able to cast out demons and heal the sick! in fact the bible says all believers should cast out demons but after 30yrs as a believer, you can not cast out even a cold or flue from yourself or others!
We should arise and put on the whole Armour and stand firm, carry the cross and follow Christ. The day is drawing closer and we should prepare early lest the Groom find you in dead slumber