Sunday, 11 August 2013

which sin is the worst sin?

I personally think that a "priest" who practices pedophilia is most foolish than an atheist.
The bible boldly teaches against sexual immorality whether: pedophilia, sodomy, lesbianism, adultery, fornication, masturbation etc all sexual sin curries the same penalty. 

so if you practice sodomy and do not practice pedophilia, then you are guilty of pedophilia since in a nut shell its all sexual immorality! if, on  the other hand you fornicate, you are no different from a sodomite because it is all sexual perversion. if you masturbate, you are equal to an adulterer because you are both sexually immoral. 

If you are involved in sexual sin of any kind, please repent because the days are running out.


  1. the worst sin in the world is to ascribe partners with God or to say that he has a son.

  2. Well, the Bible says that one who commits any sin -- not just a sexual one -- is guilty of all, since all are disobedience to God. but it is clear -- if the space devoted to it is a guide -- that the worst sin is injustice, mainly seen as abusing those least able to defend themselves.
