The Pre-doomsday cult of this age: ATHEISM

Atheism is a clandestine dis-organized religion. It pretends to be what it is not just like a "trojan virus", it has no leader no system no structure but it has a hidden evil agenda. Atheism has objectives and a strategy. disorganization is part of its evil agenda to remain undetected to innocent unsuspecting humans. atheism is an easy alternative "faith" for wicked men since most theist religions do not accept certain evil practices.

Atheism teaches the belief that "there is no God" this is its core doctrine. This is a contempt of God strategy. The fact that satan knows that God is Almighty, he decided to assume God does not exist! how crafty! It is as funny as telling yourself that you do not exist! if we exist, then our Creator does. This contempt theory is a core doctrine of atheism.
Atheism is a new reverse religion, it is simply the counter religion of today. It is a religion of unbelievers. a congregation of the faithless pagans, un-straight humans, crooked. They should soon elect the "pope of atheism" Atheism is the religion of opposite religion. Scientology is their greatest dare.
Atheism is abnormal in all methods of belief since it is unconventional but radical and extremist in nature. The most abnormal thing about atheism is that it is a safe haven for all abnormal evil human vices like abortion, sodomy etc.

atheism has bizarre beliefs like evolution. This is the main scapegoat of atheism. without the evolution theory there is no atheism. They believe and teach that humans evolved from apes! how bizarre can bizarre get? This is a cultist belief.
atheism allows rituals like sodomy, pedophilia, cannibalism, etc like all cults, atheism accepts wicked orgies, illusions, magic, astrology, meditation, yoga, transcendental meditation, palm reading, white and black magic, witchcraft etc. They do not believe in deity but they practice certain beliefs variably.
atheists believe in fellow humans as their saviors. They believe that human power can solve all man's problems. They trust only in science which is human ability. most will tell you about humanism.
atheism is unorthodox in nature and structure. Most atheist beliefs are neither "right", "true", or "straight. most atheists are not straight especially in sexuality. their "doxa" are false.
atheism deserves to be discriminated all over. all sane humans should abhor such hypocrites.
atheism is a pre-doomsday like cult because they talk of a dooms day which happened long ago in form of a big bang theory. they claim that the dooms day already came as a big bang. They teach that life came from a dooms day! they claim that a dooms like day formed life. big bang is a dooms day like concept in all aspects of upright thinking except that the timing differs from modern doomsday cults. most cults talk of a future doomsday but atheism talks of a historical dooms like day which occurred. Big bang is a reverse of dooms day but they both teach fireballs, heat,interaction of matter etc.
atheism seems to suggest that it was doomsday for the matter which existed when it interacted to form life. evolution is a process which started with a doomsday like action. Atheism is a reverse cult which looks and hopes into the past rather than the future. Their hope is in the past but not in the present/ future.
atheism like all cults is so destructive: abortion, cloning, destruction of the environment, secret depopulation activities etc
atheists are so hostile to theists. They insult all theists all the time, they blaspheme. most a so vulgar in speech!
atheism is as controversial as any cult on earth.

This simply proves that atheism IS A PRE- DOOMS DAY CULT
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