Friday, 8 March 2013

Salvation is a process

Over the years in ministry,  I have learned some thing strange! I learned that salvation is a process and many Christians are at different levels or stages in the salvation process. some times we wish to move at a certain pace but we forget that we are growing at varying levels. There are Christians who are steadfast while there are those who are sluggish. May God help us to imitate Christ in our walk. Jesus asked, "when the Son of man comes back, will He find faith on earth?" will He find you at the level you ought to be? some of us have spent decades in Christianity but are still learning the elementary things of the gospel. It is time Christians woke up to diligence in the things of God so that the body can grow. Imagine if the hair of a baby became grey while it is still breast feeding! Imagine if you find a baby girl with mature breasts! imagine if you met a big man of 18yrs breast feeding! it would be a strange sight! but in Christianity, we have all sorts of uneven growth! you find a new convert trying to become a pastor desperately to make quick money, you will find a Christian who last testified or fasted 10years ago. You will find a christian who has spent decades in Christianity but he/she can not even say a prayer to God!
There are strange men who benefit so much from mature babies. there are Christians who prey on dwarf christians because the dwarfs are stunted, spiritually. They are robbed by paying for prayer. A Christian of 1yr in Christ should be able to cast out demons and heal the sick! in fact the bible says all believers should cast out demons but after 30yrs as a believer, you can not cast out even a cold or flue from yourself or others!
We should arise and put on the whole Armour and stand firm, carry the cross and follow Christ. The day is drawing closer and we should prepare early lest the Groom find you in dead slumber

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