Wednesday, 6 March 2013

arpatheid for perverts or not?

I was thinking that since Some wicked people ask for the right to be wicked and some perverse people think that they should have the right to be perverts, which is not right, then I ask, why don't they rather advocate for sodomite apartheid? these minority are so aggressive that I only imagine what they could possibly do if they were the majority! they would agree to genocide on upright people. They ask for rights to sin even where it is clear the majority can not tolerate perversion and immorality.
The world has become so wicked that everyday people invent new ways of doing evil and sin. people are bent on sinning because they are stiff necked. Sin offers some temporary "pleasure" but it has unimaginable unbearable consequences. It is better for reasonable people to weigh the temporary benefits of sin against the eternal indelible rewards of righteousness, holiness purity and faith in God. It does not profit one to squander all their inheritance in one year and live the rest of one's life in abject poverty. Many have sold their birth rights for food, many have exchanged the truth for a lie.

 God haters call them selves atheists and they think that we all will join in their delusion. the contempt card against God is unbelief. Like ostriches, they bury their heads in the sand and assume there is no God! no wonder the Psalmist says that "a fool says in his heart,"there is no God."!" some one should help these poor souls.

over the years, I have learned that no one desires to fail but failure comes as a result of failure. Time is not on our side but many people are not bothered. Today I heard the sad news that the president of Venezuela had succumbed to cancer! He never got the chance to  tell his people that death comes without notice. we mourn but pray for those of us who remain, that we may prepare early for death comes like a thief at an hour unknown and least expected. We should prepare to meet our God because NOW is the day of our salvation.

Any one who is still procrastinating  obedience to God is like one who sits on a nuclear random time bomb which has already been triggered.

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