If you wish to meet God, seek Him and you will find Him instead of wasting time in doubt. It is impossible to befriend some one you do not wish to interact with.Those who wish to prove whether God exists or not must be able to connect into the realm where God is physical. God is Holy, and Spirit and those who wish to see Him must be holy, and in Spirit. God's reality is quantifiable in divine and spiritual quantities. You can not measure temperature using a weighing scale. think about it.
If you wish to know the temperature, use a thermometer!
if you wish to know your weight, then use a weighing scale.
It is wrong for scoffers to keep scoffing at matters they are not informed about. So much money, energy and time are invested in scientific research to discover useful information to humanity. I wonder why this energy is not directed to seeking God wholeheartedly to comprehend God's greatness!
If any one truly wishes to know more about God, here is the simple method! seek Him according to His Word! Get saved and be born again according to God's Word and be honest in your quest and I can guarantee that you will test and see that the Lord is Good.
It is very difficult to discover that God exists when you are outside the dimension where He has chosen to meet humanity.
if you fixed an appointment to meet some one and you never turned up yourself, would you be able to see the person you wanted to see? No! God has fixed an appointment with all humanity and it is simple: seek and you will find, Knock and the door will be opened for you, ask and you will be given! This applies to all human beings irrespective of tribe, color, nationality, etc. all you need to do is meet the requirements.
even those who go for funerals, business, beach, space etc must have a dressing code. To travel into space, one needs a space suit. Before driving, one must posses a driving license etc
Here are the directions and requirement to prove God: Application=repentance, God's Address is the Spirit, map is the bible, dressing code is Holiness, faith & purity, Visa is you must be Born-again.Date will be once all requirements from your side are complete. IF YOU ACCEPT AND BECOME BORN AGAIN then you will be able to see God! There is no short cut. God is Spirit and those who seek to worship Him must do so in truth and in Spirit.
I can guarantee that even when you prove the truth about God, when you share to those who would have remained atheist, they will consider you mad or confused until they prove on their own after being Born again too.