Friday, 31 May 2013

No direct relationship between atheism and science

Atheists struggle so much to describe themselves as scientists yet they are mere servants of satan.
A manifestation of unbelief, atheism is a cowardly thing, the atheists try to clean their corporate image by thinking they are scientists! There is no relationship whatsoever between some one's faith and their human capability. That arrogance must stop.

To become a scientist, one has to study and do a lot of research and therefore all humans have the privileged to become scientists. however on the other hand, atheism is a demonic influence in people's lives, its a sort of predicament caused by a desire to have wicked liberty outside the laws of God, to sin. Atheists should not fool the public.

I see many masquerading  and questionable "scientists" who are staunch atheists yet their scientific accomplishments are no where to be found as if atheism is the only "scientific thing" in their view, their only achievement and accomplishment in decades. Scientific failures usually hide in atheism communities to cover their failure.
I know a retired man whose only "scientific" achievement is atheism! what a shame!  ask those false scientists to show you any serious scientific discovery they ever made apart from atheism! SHAME on them.
A fool says in his heart that "there is no God" but true scientists are not fools. only the false scientists can be.
You can start a new life today by accepting Jesus Christ into your life and you stop living a life of doubt and unbelief! Jesus is the way the truth and the life. No one can go to heaven except if one is born again.

Friday, 24 May 2013

Time constrained human brains can burst

There is no way your time limited human mind can perceive infinite parameters. Only God can reveal them to you. That is why He asked us to have faith and trust in Him otherwise a human brain would burst trying to compute infinite parameters. Computers have failed so, Faith is the only possible remedy to time constrained human brains.

Who created the father of your father's father X infinity? and the who created the first human being/ who created the first life? who created the matter that interacted to make the big bang if at all it exists?  God is infinite and has all the TRUTH we need. I challenge you to seek God if you really need to get to the bottom of the truth! We all have questions but only God will one day answer them all. Just trust Him.

What you must know BEFORE YOU KILL

Abortion is premeditated Controlled murder.

Before you decide to get pregnant visit a doctor for proper medical check up. If you get pregnant  without advise from a medical Doctor and develop complications, then you do not put the blame on the unborn child! The baby is innocent, while you are responsible for your own decisions. My advise to the doctors is that this should be taken into account.

Prevention is better than cure. so before damage is done, do your best to avoid it before hand.

People should reproduce with caution. Teen sex, adultery, fornication are the root causes of abortion. look up the statistics. There can be laws that permit people to get pregnant such that all be examined by medical doctors then certified to give birth!

those with ears hear this "all cars in dangerous mechanical condition should not be allowed on the streets".  Women can first be checked before they attempt to get pregnant. Prevention is better than cure.

"unwanted" pregnancies can be avoided by avoiding behaviours which cause pregnancy!

Wise people are not driven by desire but by purpose. God has a good plan for your life. Do not waste your life! all decisions have consequences. Ensure to make the right decisions in life. Do not kill, for abortion is murder.  A "good" person who supports abortion is not different from a murderer because they share a mindset, only lacking the opportunity to do evil.

If you have killed an innocent child before, am not here  to condemn you but the truth shll set you free. Repent today and God will surely forgive you. If you are planning to abort, this is here to challenge you to make the right decision to respect Human life.

if any of us the living had been aborted, we would not be here! we thank God for life and let us give others the chance to live.
Start a new life today. Jesus is the way the truth and the life, no man goes to the Father except through Christ.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Genuine laughter

In this busy fast world, people laugh less and less because of pressures from all corners of life. Even the celebrities and world champions by standards of this world laugh less despite great achievements simply because a human soul was designed to be satisfied not only with food but also with joy, peace, love, happiness, kindness!

laughter is an outward sign of gladness of the heart. It is possible to laugh without JOY, peace and happiness and it is best described as an empty heinous laughter.

Many people are desperate to find Joy, Peace and Happiness. Atheists and perverse people will laugh at all sorts of trivial things in hope that by laughing they will find these human needs: LOVE, JOY, PEACE, KINDNESS, HAPPINESS.
heinous laughter is hollow, it is from the mind but a hearty laughter is from the heart! inside the soul of a man there is happiness which can only be discovered if one is in Christ, because the veil is taken away from the soul face. Heinous laughter is a desperate effort by empty hungry souls just to try and squeeze joy from a rock dry soul.

Ps 51:12
12    Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

True Joy and happiness are ONLY in Salvation through Jesus Christ. are you feeling empty! yes the medicine is Jesus. when you look up to God, then you will experience TRUE Joy (happiness)


The many wars prove that there is something worth fighting for but unfortunately atheism is too blind to see it. Look at all the other none religious wars they are about diamond, gold, land and oil! great resources!
 Learn this: where ever there is a vulture there is a carcass. learn this. Try and figure out what they fight for! There is a battle for souls. satan is out there with evil propaganda sending people to hell, while God has offered free eternal life! it is a matter of choice where you will be after this temporary mortal life on earth. 
On the other hand, The  biggest battle that human life has ever seen is the battle of the mind! The battle to make the right decision that will ensure the best eternity we can ever have! The biggest decision one can ever make is the eternal destiny decision.
The true living God does not need any one to fight for Him for He can defend Himself. Idols can not fight for themselves because they are non living things.
WAR IS AN INDICATOR OF A GREAT RESOURCE WORTH FIGHTING FOR. Atheism is too blind to figure that out because as usaul it is blind to real reality that's why it asks for PHYSICAL empirical evidence as if only the physical exists. There are many invisible resources that beings fight for.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

The sure accurate prediction of what happens when death occurs.

  How terrible will it be for the skeptics who did not have faith in God and woke up after death and realized that GOD EXISTS! How terrible and shameful! the lake of fire? do not go there and besides If you had faith in God and did not resurrect to physically see His existence what would you lose or gain? which is the most bearable SURPRISE you wish for?

We all agree that Life is real, death is real but some how some of us do not agree that there is life after death! The problem is that death is a one way traffic lane, no one returns and if they did, no one is to believe them due to lack of evidence.

Consider a dry cereal like a bean seed or any other seed. It can stay for ages in a dormant state but once it is planted into fertile soil, then it will germinate into a big plant! Do not look at a dead body and underestimate the potential of a human spirit.
seeds suggest that there is life after death!

Do not bet with your life! Do not gamble your life away!

 you can bet with money not life because no one created themselves.

My advise is that we should PREPARE.
If a rumor goes round the school that there will be an abrupt sudden exam assessment during the course of the term and you do not revise your notes, what will happen if the examiner shows up Unexpectedly?

 If it is announced over radio and TV that there is an outbreak of an epidemic and you do not take precaution what will you do if you wait for physical evidence and proof? If You are warned of a coming hurricane or tsunami or seismic earthquake whose magnitude can not be readily established who would you blame if you were swept? 

You will tell me that these can be proven but I will tell you that they could not have been accurately predicted otherwise people would have been advised prior to settling in such areas.  
Just like everyone predicts and knows that death is real, No one can predict what happens after death except FAITH.
The sure accurate prediction of what happens when death occurs is by having FAITH in Jesus the Christ.
the rest are lies of satan trying to confuse you. do not listen to evil. evolution, atheism, skepticism, unbelief, religious hypocrisy, etc are lies. 
Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. No one can enter heaven except through Him. 
here is a true saying:
John 8:51
51    Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.
